New Horizons High School Referral Process
New Horizons High School is an alternative placement for junior and senior students who are at least one year credit deficient and in jeopardy of not graduating high school with their grade cohort. NHHS utilizes the following referral process for student placements into the program.
- Transfer students from other alternative placements/school districts and/or over 1 year credit deficient. Current LCR3 students, a minimum of three approved intervention structures have been implemented. The Building Intervention Team (BIT) determines NHHS placement is an option.
- Administrator and counselor are notified and will add the student to the Potential Student List with detailed information.
- TBHS Building Level Access Team meets and prioritizes students on the Potential Student List.
- Assistant Principal/Counselor will discuss a placement at NHHS with the student and parent.
- Student fills out the online application, and TBHS sends referral form to NHHS.
- Parent calls for intake interview appointment at NHHS.
- Parent and student participate in successful intake interview at NHHS.
- Student is placed on wait list for transition to NHHS at quarter/semester.